Saturday, October 17, 2009

Light me Up

There's a new post about one of my favorite pieces of gear on Seek Cover.

1995 was a hard year for me.  My mother's cancer came back, and there were some...issues that hurt me deeply.  I've had some hard times here and there since, but have probably never had a more difficult time, emotionally.  One of the things that helped me through this time was a coworker, Keith, who became good friends with me.

Every now and then, we're fortunate enough to meet people that really want nothing more than to be our friend.  Keith was one of those guys.  Unfortunately, we lost touch when I enlisted in the Army in 2001, and my Hotmail was automatically deleted from no usage while I was going through ITB (basic training for infantry).

Keith found my neglected MySpace account this week, and Davis and I met him in Atlanta today.  It was a great day.

Of my many blessings, good friends are one of the very best.  I love you, guys.

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